Writer=Steve Kloves
Audience Score=608497 vote
rating=7,7 / 10
Release Year=2001
Duration=152 Minutes
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✧ ××××××××
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Funny how a phenomenally weak prick tried to kill Harry and set the whole troll operation up. That's the best example of Appearances can be deceiving. Luckily the bastard got fried for good. Harry potter in kamen modrosti watch online english dub. Harry potter in kamen modrosti watch online full. Harry Potter in kamen modrosti Watch online. When you get an invitation for smash bros ultimate from Nintendo. These didnt get deleted, these were in the movie.
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Tu woman who plays Harry's aunt is an amazing actress. That part when she's talking about Harry's mother, the amount of hatred and emotion on her face. Amazing. 0:49 Ron: what would you like to do if you had a magical power. Harry :kill you... Ron:okay 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. There a lot of differences from the book and the movie like in the book it says YOU ARE NOT TO INSULT ALBUS DUMBLEDORE IN FRONT OF ME! But in the movie he dosent yell. First time I've ever heard Harry Potter say My DAD thinks. lol. Harry potter in kamen modrosti watch online streaming. 10 points ONLY for taking down a full grown Mountain Troll? For Pete's sake... Harry potter in kamen modrosti watch online hindi. You're a unit of power Harry I'm a watt. Hagrid😡 parents🥵 cousin😥 harry🙁.
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Since I had read the book before, I expected a little too much from the movie. I thought it would be the best movie ever. It was cool because my whole grade got to see it on the first day of its release. The acting was a little bit of a letdown, but hopefully by the second movie the actors will be more confident. I think the special effects were pretty good, but the Quidditch match was excellent. And another thing that made this movie not as good as people expected was the fact they left out some important events from the book, and they made some changes that affected the whole movie.
Overall, I reckon it was a great movie. Hopefully the next one will be even better.
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Draco: Pfft, Harry Pottah. Harry: What Malfoy? Draco: Ugh! Nevermind! Mudblood! looks at Hermione) Hermione: cries and runs off) Draco: Haha. I was holding harry potter's wand while watching this video, this is so cool. Don't mess with the owls! ✔️. Harry potter in kamen modrosti watch online movies. Also, seems like olivandar chooses the wand. I think wands can feel the future of their potential owners and that's why that wand in specific was for harry. “what would you like to do if you had a magic power?” “kill you.” calm down homeboy. calm down.
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In the book, Hagrid tried to turn Dudley completely into a pig. Didn't work.
Has anyone watched the bad lip reading? In the Bin. So hilarious 😂😆🤣.
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The troll is thinking 'duh' as his club went floating in midair...
Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone is the worst of the six films. It's not that it's a bad film, which it's not. I don't want to be mean here, but the three main characters, Harry,Ron, and Hermione, are annoying. I know it was there debut, but i'm sorry. I'm not even sure if it was there fault. But the reason why I think it's the worst is because the three main actors(Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson) are annoying. It's not that they're bad actors. The thing is that Why would these three kids care about all of this stuff. Besides Harry Potter himself, why would the characters care if Snape was a villain or about the Sorcerer's stone or anything? They're supposed to be eleven. That's not all that I have a problem with. Chris Columbus doesn't have the mind that Alfonso Cuaron, Mike Newell and David Yates have. He's used to all of the cutsy stuff. I'm making The Sorcerer's stone seem like a bad film, which it's not. It is still a fun, cute movie to watch. At least the first two films aren't as good as any of the Lord of the Rings films. I mean seem like i'm not recommending it, but I am recommending it. Despite some of the flaws, Harry Potter and the sorcerer's Stone is on par with the book. it's the weakest of the films, but it's still a lot of fun.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: 7.3.